Part 1
Mathematics, Logic & Computers
1.1 Mechanical computers
1.2 Abstract mathematics
1.3 Boolean logic
1.4 Reducing mathematical relationships to abstract
Boolean logic
1.5 Physical implementation of Boolean logic
1.6 Universal computation
Part 2
Automata Computers
2.1 Basic structure and operation of a
2.2 Useful things to do with a CA
Part 3
Proof of Universality in 2-dimensional, 5-neighborhood CA
3.1 Rules of change
3.2 The wire and signal
3.3 The dead end
3.4 The fan out junction
3.5 The clock
3.6 The logic element
3.7 The NOT gate
3.8 The NOR gate
Part 4
4.1 Manipulation of information by
whatever means
4.2 The machine
within the machine
4.3 The
dependent automaton
4.4 Progress in understanding computers and cellular
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Commentary on Edwin Roger Banks, "Information
Processing and Transmission in Cellular Automata,"
Banks' Ph.D. thesis, 1971 (MIT, Dep't of Mechanical
Engineering). By Ross Rhodes.
Part 2 Cellular Automata Computers
There is a particular way of conceiving of computer operations that is both extremely simple and extremely complex. The simplicity lies in the operational rules of the computations, and in the engineering structure. The complexity lies in the application of those simple rules, operating on that simple structure, as it works out in practice on the overall state of the computational system. The concept is called "cellular
automata" (CA), and this is how it works.
2.1 Basic structure and operation of a CA

Fig. 2.1 The cell.

Fig. 2.2 The cell and its neighbors.
We begin with a structure, which is a grid or lattice. Think of it as a checkerboard. Each node of this grid will consist of an itsy bitsy computing unit, which we will call a cell. The individual cell will not be very powerful because it will not need to do very much computing - hardly anything at all compared to what we think of as a computer. All it will need to do is to take note of its own state (i.e., its yes/no value), and the states of its four next door neighbors to the north, east, south and west.
Each cell is autonomous in its operations, which is to say that although it takes note of the instantaneous state of its neighbors at any given cycle as described, it otherwise acts as though it were the only computing unit in the universe. This independence is connoted by use of the word "automata" (i.e., a collection of things that are autonomous), but the term also recalls the original term for what
today we would call a robot - an "automaton."
Each cell acts like a robot, an automaton, in the sense that it mindlessly follows a strict set of instructions.
It acts automatically. In this regard, the automata (automatons) of a cellular automata network are no different from any computing machine, because the PC on your desktop similarly does nothing but follow its strict set of instructions. The only difference in principle is that the PC's instructions may be vastly complex, while the cell's instructions are
fixed and utterly simple.
Each cell works in this manner. Thus, although we have labeled a particular cell "C" and its eastern neighbor "E" for this illustration, that same eastern cell operates as the "C" of its own world and so takes account the states of its own neighbors (one of which is the "C" of our illustration, and the others of which are never considered by the "C" of our illustration and so have no labels).
The be-all-and-end-all of the cell's calculation is to determine what value it should take for the next round. If the cell's value for the calculation is, for example, "1," it must determine based on that value and the values of its neighbors whether to stay a "1" or to become a "0" for the next cycle of calculation.
The rules that will govern the cell's calculations are simply tables of what should happen in every possible situation. Because there are a strictly limited number of possible situations, there are an equally limited number of rules and the cell can run through them very quickly. For example, suppose we have a rule that whenever the cell has the value "1," while its neighbors have the values (North = 1, East = 1, South = 0, West = 0), then the cell should take the new value "0" at the next step. This may be represented in table form as
in Figure 2.3.
Alternatively, the same rule may be represented in graphic form, as in
Figure 2.4.
To follow this rule, the cell's individual autonomous computer only needs to consult five bits of data and look up the result in a fixed table. |

Fig. 2.3 A rule for calculation to determine
the transition for cell C.

Fig. 2.4 The same rule as in fig. 2.3
represented graphically.
Each cell's completed calculation is one step of the entire array.
When everything is finished for that cycle, not only will the individual cell make a transition, but the entire cellular
automata changes at one time to the new configuration reflecting all
the changed cells. From this meta-viewpoint, we see the overall CA
progressing through a series of steps like frames of a movie.
Each of the many cells performs its calculations "out of
sight," as it were, and nothing happens until the end of the
cycle -- at which point the entire CA undergoes a single massive and
total transition to a new configuration, which is the product of all
of the individual cell transitions. Then each cell starts fresh
to calculate what it should do in light of its new neighbors and its
own new state.
2.2 Useful things to do with a CA
Because each cell is autonomous, all of the neighbors perform the same calculation but with different data (because their north, south, east and west neighbors are different). Therefore, the next state of a cell's neighbor is impossible for the cell itself to predict because it does not have access to the neighboring cell's data. All of this yields a vastly complex series of interactions that quickly becomes impossibly difficult to predict.
There are some famous cellular automata configurations that exhibit patterns and regular forms of interaction. Perhaps the best known is John Conway's "Game of Life," where the rules produce moving blocks of patterns. Other configurations can provide interesting models of neighbor-to-neighbor interactions such as one might find in a
cloud of gas. But considering that the essential idea is based on a collection of little computing units, the early question was whether this type of array could be put to work doing general purpose computing tasks.
One of the pioneering developers of the cellular automata model of
computing proved that it was possible with a cellular automata configuration to emulate the tasks of a general purpose universal computer. A drawback was that the particular configuration found by John
Von Neumann required that each cell be able to take on a range of values - up to 29 different states per cell - whereas the logic that it is implementing is based on the simple yes/no two-state operation.
Later, E.F. Codd found a configuration that required only the preferred two states, but
unfortunately each cell needed 84 neighbors to operate. These requirements were reduced in 1970 with Conway's Game of Life, which needed only two states and eight neighbors to achieve general purpose universal computation.
This is where the matter stood in 1970 when Roger Banks accepted
Edward Fredkin's challenge of finding a simpler cellular automata that could do everything that could be done by a general purpose computer with Boolean logic gates. The challenge was to achieve this with the two-state cell interacting only with its
immediate neighbors to the north, south, east and west, as used in the illustration above.

© Copyright 2004 by Ross Rhodes. |