Ten Things to Remember
A modest proposal for achieving the Congressional goal of posting traditional values in classrooms, while providing additional instruction in competing secular values. |
The Gettysburg Speech
Lincoln was too fancy. You can hardly understand what he was talking about. |
The Household Asks for a Dog
I should never have listened to them. But, on the other hand, he's really the nicest terrier mutt ever to be rescued from certain death at the pound. |
O precious! Do not allow the world
On rare occasions I do poetry.
Country Rhodes:
from our debut CD, Far Up the Northway

Ross, Zoilo, Janet, Jimmy, Howard
Sugar Happens
(Words & Music by Ross Rhodes)
It's Hard to be a Cowboy on Long Island
(Words & Music by Ross Rhodes & Howard Miller)
(Words & Music by Howard Miller & Ross Rhodes)
Johnny's Way
(Words & Music by Ross Rhodes)
Caught Up Into Love [1993]
(Words & Music by Ross Rhodes)
Featuring Dean Bliss, vocals
And I Saw a New Heaven
Memorial work for SATB choir and organ. Text: Revelation 21:1-7 & 1 Corinthians 13. Approx. 8-1/2 min. (can be performed as 2 pieces, e.g., anthem and offertory). Permission for printing and performance freely given upon request. Send an e-mail to
Score (PDF document)
Midi file
Religious Resources
Lenten Bible Study 2018
The New Testament in 40 easily-digested sittings. A perfect project for Lent.
The Shrewd Manager / Unjust Steward
An allegorical interpretation of this problematic parable.